Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Me and Indy

You might want to turn off my music, so you can here this in its full glory!

Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie characters. I feel like my adventure last night, was pretty close to some that Indy goes on...hence the music.

I went to Home Depot to order paint. I have pictures at home, but I'm writing this at school...anyway all of my samples had blue post it notes hanging off. I encountered this angel here on Earth and she walked me through how much paint I would need for each room and was very organized and kind. She told me it would be about 45 mins so I went to Wal-Mart and bought rollers, brushes, tape, and food. I tracked down Cindy there and had her assure me that the rollers I was buying were correct. She's my painting expert.

Then I headed back to Home Depot. The two carts I had were loaded to the top and I went to check out. The paint mixer lady even wrote on each paint bucket what room it was for! As the nice man was wheeling my carts to the loading zone, he started chuckling, shaking his head and saying, "There is NO way, ma'am...." What's wrong, I thought? I had already laid the seats down! He said if I put all this paint in my vehicle I would bottom out my bumper and possibly blow a tire. Huh....who would have thought?

What did I do you ask? Well, I once again tracked down Cindy and asked her to haul some of my paint home. So, we were both filled to the brim and then unloaded all that paint at my house.

The moral to this story? Be grateful for friends!

p.s. I know my friend is dating him b/c her mom keeps us updated on her happenings. She is in Hollywood becoming an actress.

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