Thursday, October 16, 2008

I have some thoughts....

Yeah, I know scary...
My family and I were talking about eating organic the other day. We feel fairly fortunate that we have homegrown beef, pork, and some veggies. We also can pick apples, pears, and strawberries when the season allows. I am not an organic advocate. I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 and she's all into eating organic. That is curious to me. How do you know that the jar of spaghetti sauce that says "organic" that is made in the same factory as the jar that says "traditional" is really organic? How do you know that those apples weren't sprayed with something? Or better yet, that the meat you buy wasn't injected with hormones? Even livestock bought at sale barns can't be trusted unless you really know the seller. I've also heard that our local meat market in Greentop buys their meat and then resells it, you can't be certain of what your buying there either. I think sometimes the stores/companies/factories start an "idea" just to cause a stir. There is always someone out there that will jump on the bandwagon. I had a advertising class in Junior High and will never forget how advertising is very carefully orchestrated to grab the most consumers.
This leads me to my next thought...
I had to go to the school board meeting tonight to give an evaluation of my program (1st grade). I feel very fortunate that my children are being exposed to so many different ways of teaching. Every year is a new adventure and things to look forward to. A new field trip, anticipation of what that teacher is known for, moving up on the school totem pole, etc. We have excellent teachers and for that I feel grateful...
Last thought....
I am SO glad that I teach...One for all the "greeting card reasons", I get to make a difference, shape lives, mold minds, blah, blah, blah...
But also, b/c I get to get a glimpse of what a stay at home mom does. For 3 months, I go places, sit and play, and all in all hang out with my kids. I couldn't do it year round, b/c I feel like I need to appreciate my kids. When your together 24/7 you forget to appreciate. I know this isn't true for everyone, but it is for me. When they were little and I was home all day
in the summer, as soon as Vance got home, I would say "Here, your turn!" I'm sure he appreciated being met with that after a long day at work. When that starts coming out of my mouth, I know it's time for school to start back up. It's coming less and less as they get older and more independent. I feel like I have the best of both worlds: major holidays, summers, snow days etc as a stay at home mom and then I am right there at school with them all day when I do have to work.
I know deep...on to more trivial things....


Amee Jones said...

We may not get the praise we deserve in some ways, but we are truly blessed in our jobs to get to see both aspects. I became a teacher for many reasons, but that was at the top of my list.

Corin said...

I totaly agree on the organic thing. A couple of shady advertising. They make Fat Free refied beans and Vegitarian refied beans. I'm pretty sure they are the same thing b/c when you take the lard out of the beans you've made them both fat free and vegitarian. I think they just want to grab both markets. Also a lot of gummy candy (which I buy a lot of) when the fat free craze hit they started putting that on their packaging, but it was always fat free they just market it differently now.
Also I think your right about teacher having the best of both world. If only I was made to be a teacher. Let me know if a secretarial position opens at the school I could do that.