Friday, October 17, 2008

I was never a big tag lover...

You know in p.e....skunk tag, back to back tag, line tag, wild west tag, freeze tag, etc...
I've been tagged by Out of My Mind. I had to explain to Corin how to do it, so I had a feeling it was coming...
My first tag...
Here goes nothing!
Here are the rules to enjoy the fun:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

I know that you all are thinking that I don't have anything strange about myself, but don't worry I can dig deep!

1. I am afraid for my short term memory. I can tell people sure I'll do that...and not 5 mins later I've forgotten!

2. I often have weird and morbid thoughts about life like...What would have happened if I hadn't met Vance at the right time? If a car is a little too much on my side of the road, I will contemplate what a car wreck my actually feel like? Things like that that make me wonder why I can operate in a normal existence as much as I do!

3. Sometimes I will lay around on Saturday mornings and all my kids will eat for breakfast is dry cereal. (They love it really they do)!

4. I have an obsession with lotion...ask Bree. And lipgloss. And Chocolate. It's unhealthy!

5. The one thing I miss about having babies is being that special person that everyone comes to see at the hospital. I felt so loved and on top of the world. I also loved how my husband looked at I could do anything.

6. I dread going to work every morning, but love it once I'm here. I. AM. NOT. A. MORNING. PERSON!

7. I have a Scarlett O'Hara attitude...I'll think about it tomorrow. I actually like to believe that I'm putting it into God's hands and usually it works out!

O.K. I'm tagging:

Bree @ Mother From Son Up to Son Down...a new found friend, but truly a BFF!

Amee @ In My Daughter's Eyes...friend and co-worker

Stacey @ Keeping Up With Jaxson...classmates and "blogging friends"

Cindy @ Our Life With Two Girls...friend and venting buddy!

Angie @ Life is Good...classmate and friend

Erin @ Lucky Like Us...friend, family, all around good package:)

That's all I got just 6....good luck friends!


Corin said...

Number 2, I thought I was the only person who did that. Fun when you find out your not a weird as you thought you were.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i always thought about the car wreck thing, too, and then i was in one. do you remember reading about people who are in car wrecks and they say how they couldn't figure out who was screaming until they realized it was them? i always thought that was hokey, until it was me. i couldn't figure out who was screaming NOOOOO until the car finally stopped & i realized it was me.
long story wreck = not as much fun as you may think.

Anonymous said...

hee, hee, I do the same car thing! can't believe three other people do it!
and, dunno if Jenn should read this (grin) but I did the 'what is that sound' while in labor with Destry as everything was going wrong and I was in pain and I heard this strange moaning cry, (sorta sounded like a calf bawling) saying 'h-e-l-p m-e!!!' Oops, that was me! :)