Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Christmas Presents!

I know some of you have moved on to 2009, but I'm not done talking about 2008! I just wanted to share some of my presents with you!

Vance got me a new swiffer vac! They are the best invention, especially with hardwood! I already had one, but I've used it and it's almost dead. Not quite, so of course, I will not throw it away....just take it to the basement:) He also got me something like a swiffer has a rechargeable battery and picks up bigger things~like spilled cheerios, big mud or rocks, etc. It also goes from hardwood to carpet which is nice. Soooo....I should have the cleanest floors in town....yeah right!
Jenn got me some fancy glasses! I love fancy glasses:)...they make my o.j. taste better. They are still at my mom's b/c I didn't want to break them bringing them home with all of our stuff on Christmas!

She also got me a RED teapot. I've used it everyday! I also got some red and white dish towels and an awesome brown striped rug! Thanks Jenn.
From my parents, my favorite thing was a new lamp! It looks smashing in my new bedroom. They also got me much needed Tupperware with red lids and something else, that I can't remember and it's driving me crazy! Help, Mom? Dad? do you remember?
Off to lay on the couch...more later:)
P.S. Anyone else scared at Vance's deep thoughts? He's really good at this blogging thing!


Stacey and Ryan said...

I love my swiffer vac as well. I only wish the battery would have lasted longer...I have to plug it in after every use.

Corin said...

I like your teapot. And yes, I was slightly scared by Vances blog. Who knew he was having such deep thoughts and we just weren't listening.