Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Friends

A night out with the girls....expecting to see a comedy/chick flick...end up wiping tears. It was a great movie, really I loved it. Funny...throughout!, but then at the end...ahhhh! What a great reminder that good friends are forever. I think that movie hits those of us that have had our ups and downs and still have those "solid rock" friends standing beside us most of all. I've been friends with Corin for....what? 15 years...that's REALLY good friends, we knew each other before that. We've had some doozies...haven't we?, but yet we stuck through it all. If I really need to talk, are always the list! And Bree....just now hitting year 2...of good, close "best" friends friendship. God knew what he was doing when he put us on that same road:) I just don't know what I would do without you girls!


Bree Shaw said...

thanks! i feel the same way! and yes the movie was GREAT! it really shows how friendships work. i am ready for another girls night out!

Cindy said...

As they saying is "that is what friends are for!" Wish I could of went, maybe next time...

Corin said...

I was thinking the same thing about the movie. I'm glad to hear somebody else was a little misty about it. Made me think how lucky I was to have you and Sara especially. We certainly have had some doozies. We've been through it all Boys, Weddings, Funerals, Babies. Can't imagine life without you. Your always in my top 3 people to tell about exciting news. Where you are in the top three depends on the news, but your always there. Thanks.