Thursday, September 18, 2008

Emma....I just don't know!

So my dear, precious daughter.
The daughter, who at the age of 2 could spell her brothers name.
The daughter, who could recite her telephone number at 3.
The daughter, who has been writing her name for 2 years!
The daughter, who can verbatem recite anything Miss Lynne or Jeannie from the Health Dept. teaches.
The daughter, who can retell any Bible story every taught.
The daughter, who pays attention to EVERY, Big, tiny detail.................
Cannot remember her letters.
Yep, that's right.
As in A is for apple, B is for Bear
Nope, what does A say Emma....uhhh...hmmm...."buh?"
No Emma, A says "ahhh"
Oh yeah.
She could tell me word for word Judy's lesson on the 5 senses. What they were and what they did.
She can go into great detail on how metamorphosis works during the change from catepillar to butterfly.
Ask her what A says.
Vance and I just laugh and shrug.
She'll get it.
It's just not important to her.
She has bigger things to learn.
Colby, however, is quite concerned.
He will be tutoring her in the evenings!


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

she's more 'left, or science brained' than traditional 'right' brained. we're used to girls being traditionally brained but of course your's isn't!
lucky you...she'll care (soon enough) b/c she won't like others to get ahead of her!
you might have to do 'a is for adam', 'n is for noah', 'f is for flood', etc. he, he, he

Bree Shaw said...

it just bugs you more because you are a teacher! it will all come together when the time is right. lets just hope it is in time for kindergarten screening. oh yeah, i have some papers for you to look at so you will know what she needs to know for screening. :) ha ha ha!