Monday, March 23, 2009

Workin' Calves

Spring is officially here and with it brings many babies. Here is one of my mom and dad's new ones. They are so fun to watch run and play. They can dart around pretty quickly!

Within a day or two, my dad "works" the calves. He puts a tag in their ear and writes the number in a book with the mom's tag number. That way he knows they belong together if they were to get separated. Usually, different colors means what gender they are. Also, he bands the know why....
This keeps the mom from attacking dad while he works them. We all know how protective momma's can be.

See how she is keeping an eye on him?


Anonymous said...

that is so sweet how protective the moms are. naomi

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

an eye for sure!

Corin said...

No Andrea, Why does he band the boys? Actually, I'm pretty sure Colby has explained it to me before.

Bree Shaw said...

i am in the dark too.... i am not to bright when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Cindy said...

Way to go with capturing some of the events on the farm and for sure spring is around the corner!