Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Little girls and Big attitudes

Miss Emma is a rare jewel. It seems to me that her funny attitude comes out at the strangest times. Here are a few of her funny stories....

Last week, her attitude wasn't very good. She had snotty things to say and her hand would go up on her hip and her head would get to bobbing. Everyday, I would pick her up and talk to her about being kind, etc. Finally, Thursday, Vance talked to her and it seemed to stick. Friday, I picked her up and she had been very good all day. She said, "I guess that little talk helped, I might need another one tomorrow!"

Every night, we say, "Hocus Pocus, rotten tomatoes, no bad dreams," after prayers. Well, Emma came out of her room and said, "Daddy, you know when you say hocus pocus, rotten potatoes, no bad dreams? Well, the bad dreams still comed!" Now we have to say, "ZAP!" also. If that doesn't work, I'm going to use Mrs. Kenney's magic spray!

The other morning, Vance and I were "bickering" it's really our love language...I suppose. Anyway, I smarted off something like well I don't like you! Emma said, "You married him mom, you're stuck!" From the mouths of babes!

At supper, it seemed like Colby was very demanding. I told him to wait, I was only one person and only had two hands. Emma said, "Yeah, she's not an octopus." Good point, Emma.

One night in the bathtub, Emma said, "Mom, Jesus loves everybody's heart, right?" I said, "Yes, Emma everybody." "Even us who are naughty sometimes," she asked. "Yes, Emma, even when we're naughty." She thought a few minutes, very quietly and then piped up "Well, Jesus, must also love Trayton Buckallew!" He is a very energetic, but sweet boy at Judy's. I agreed, Jesus does love Trayton Buckallew.

Last night, we were having supper and Emma said, "You know mom, sometimes when I'm awake a song starts playing in my head and then it comes right out of my mouth!" Too cute...


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i believe it about the songs...she is the singingest little thing i've ever met!

Amee Jones said...

I can only pray that Adi will have as cute an attitude!