Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That Person

Why is it that when we are stressed, upset, disgruntled we take it out on the person we love the most? I do that a lot to Vance and I'm going to start today to try to stop. I come home upset, vent to him, my phone rings and I answer it in this cheery voice. Why does a strange get my nice side? When he, the guy who puts up with me, gets my grumpy side? Do you guys do this? Why is it? Sometimes I think a sign of a good friendship is letting that friends she your "true colors." Even though sometimes those colors aren't so pretty. Well, I'm going to save my rainbow for my friends and loved ones and all of you strangers out there had better watch out!


Corin said...

I do the same thing. I try and stop myself but it just happens anyway. I like the idea of venting to strangers, people will be staying clear of me.

Cindy said...

Yep I do the same thing...don't know why we do it, but...

Bree Shaw said...

isn't funny how we have had this problem the last couple of weeks. i do this all the time. i thought of your exact point last night. i was not talking to jared and when i did it was a yes, no or an answer and then when i was on the phone i was all happy and go lucky! i think i need to do the same thing. i guess this could be our cinco de mayo resolution:) lets keep each other in tact, k?

Erin said...

Ditto here! Poor Trenton probably thinks he lives with Jekyll and Hyde sometimes! I think it's because I know he loves me no matter what, but I'm not so sure how everyone else would feel if I bit there head off everytime they asked a simple question. I try to keep myself in check, but it's hard. Especially this time of the year when life at school gets so chaotic and I just want to "snap" by the time I get home. "When's supper?" or "How was your day?" usually gets him the look of death and the unloading of an entire day's worth of drama!

Shonya said...

DITTO! I don't know why we do this--hate it afterward, though! And if he wants to just dump/vent on me, well, guess who is not so patient about it?! Might have to join in on the resolution! :)

Anonymous said...

I believe we do this to our loved ones because we feel safe. I know that I can vent to my husband or my sister and when the rant is over they will still love me. I can rant and vent to them but others I don't dare because I feel they will look at me differently or be irrated at me to a point that they don't want to be around me anymore or they think that I am whining and all I really need sometimes is for someone to just listen. Yes, I walk on eggshells sometimes with some, but not with the ones that I feel comfortable with! I don't know if I will ever change this because I am a person who needs reassuring and someone to say, "I'm with ya! Let's go kick some butt!" Love ya, Kristina