Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is it about ?

Do you have a husband?
Is he constantly saying...
What did you say?
I didn't hear you?
Oh, I must not have been listening?
Don't get me wrong...I love my husband and take it all in stride. If I really want him to hear me, there are ways:)
So we've established that they RARELY listen right?
But at night, when the t.v. is going, his blog music is playing, and usually the dishwasher or washer is humming away....from across the house I'll switch off my bedside lamp and he'll come running.
Were you going to bed? he will ask.
Apparently he can hear the tiny click, click of my bedside lamp, but not the loud Daddy! of our children!
It's like a hound and a ham bone. They can ignore a child tripping over them, you calling them, a cat walking by....but if a bone were to hit the floor their head pops up.
Oh Pavlov and his rats would be proud!


Bree Shaw said...

all i can say is MEN!!! they only hear what they wanna hear.

Corin said...

Steve and I had an instance with hearing problems just this morning.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

um, amen! i've quit repeating myself because i don't want natalee growing up thinking that everything is said twice in this house!

Brooks said...

I am in the same boat. My hubby only hears what he wants to also! crazy boys!

Amee Jones said...

My dad claims to have a hearing problem, buthe can hearme say his name over the phone when I am talking to my mom. Isn't that curious?

Anita J. said...

My favorite is when we have a full-fledged conversation and I find out later he wasn't really listening. Most hated is when he has on headphones and is involved in a groud discussion (via skype or something like that) and I'm answering him (with my head down reading or folding laundry) until I look up and realize I'm talking to myself.

He hears the click of your bedside lamp, huh? Well, tonight lie down and click it off. When he comes running in turn it back on, pick up your book, and tell him you just want a glass of water and some Excedrin.

Shonya said...

It's all about what's in it for them. . .and you going to bed. . .well-l-l-l-l-l :) He can hope, right?! :)

Anonymous said...

it's a Frederick thing