Friday, January 23, 2009

More information

O.K. back to our new technology! This is a LCD projector. It hooks to our computer and projects my monitor screen onto the big whiteboard. I've had this projector for a few years and use it a lot. Anything from a United streaming clip, pictures, or typing something on word.
Now we have a CPS Chalkboard. It is about the size of an etch-a-sketch and I can control my computer from anywhere in the room. It also has software that allows me to write, draw, erase, etc. It is a lot like kid pix. There are also lots of teaching tools like a blank clock face, 100 chart, etc. Also, there are protractors, rulers, compasses, etc. I love this thing and have used it everyday since we got them!

One more step in the technology are "clickers." I don't have them, but it is very neat. Every student has one and if you put up a problem, they can enter their answer and you automatically know who was right and who was wrong. Also, the software will create graphs and reports to show possible growth or patterns in mistakes. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity!
We also got the Common Sense Math DVD's and access to the website. Go check out the demo and see for yourself. It is a fun way to do fact practice everyday! Every classroom will also have a password so that parents can practice the workouts at home and also see how things are being taught at school. We as the teachers also have a place to update what our classrooms are doing each day/week.
This was probably boring for some, but I thought it would be nice to let you know something positive happening at Schuyler R-1 Schools!


Corin said...

I am way impressed that Schuyler has such technology. How cool for the kids, I bet they love it.

Bree Shaw said...

how awesome! we are def. going to have to get a computer at home. some people don't like change, but not you, you face it head on and enjoy every minute of it! glad you are using it.

Shonya said...

Wow! I'm blown away! Good for you for embracing it--wish changing technology was easier for me than it is!!!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I'm excited for Schuyler & glad you are enjoying your new technology! It's a great change for the kids.