Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gotta Tell Ya

I had a very eventful day! I taught this morning, got a much needed break, and then had a 5 hour training. I'm very excited about the new technology our school is getting and will have to give you more information when I can remember the name of it! Thanks to Cindy and Mom for taking my children!
After that, I went to Sonlight. The first one back after Christmas. We had a record 19 Lollipops and that is with two full timers gone! It was awesome. We ate Jonah and the Whale!!
I am really sick of looking at a computer, so I'm not commenting on any blogs and I'm getting off right now.
Have a great night!


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

So fun, although our Lollipop record was like 21 or 22 one week.
Forgot to have Mike look up that check but I will...

Corin said...

Glad you had a good day. Can't wait to hear about this new technology.

Bree Shaw said...

i got to hear all about jonah and the whale last night! braylon said he had fun too:)