Thursday, January 8, 2009

1000 Word Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

This picture was taken last year. It was so warm! Like 60 degrees! We were out on a frozen pond, in jackets, fishing! How strange. It was so warm that the ice was melting, but not cracking...I was a bit nervous. Vance and the kids all caught Nope, not one! But never fear...I brought a book:)


Bree Shaw said...

yikes, that picture makes me cringe just looking at it! jared and the boys like to go, but it makes me sooooo nervous. it made me so nervous once that i dreamed about bronson falling in and i couldn't get him and i can still see the picture in my head of him scratching below the ice trying to get out. so do you think you will ever get me out there? nope!!! great pic though:)

Andrea Frederick said...

I wouldn't have gone out if it wasn't 60 degrees. Something about not being all bundles up and able to move quickly made me feel better though. Strange, I know!

Andrea Frederick said...
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Andrea Frederick said...

Yes, I commented twice on my own blog!

Bree Shaw said...

ha,ha! now you can't make fun of me anymore!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

scary...and not for me! hope uncle vance is up to a 3rd in a few years...i don't want natalee to miss out on things like this but i'm not dead set on making holes in ice so she can fish!

Da Tick said...

Thanks for comments on my blog today Andrea. Looks like a good time is being had by all. Did the horse drown?

The Mom Jen said...

OMG I would be SO scared that i'd fall through the ice...i think that's one of my nightmares!

Unknown said...

Cool! I think I'd be scared to death.

April said...

Girl....I would have freaked out! Happy ATWT!

Shonya said...

LOL! That's how I fish, too--with a book! :)

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

I'm from Minnesota so I get this crazy fun! That way your kids can tease you and their uncle for ever!

Ann Harrison said...

How brave you were to be out on the ice when it was 60 degrees!
I'm glad they caught something. :->
(I'm visiting you from Jen's Cheaper Than Therapy.)

Amee Jones said...

If I had to ice fish 60 degrees would be the way I would do it.