Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What I've noticed...

I've recently figured something out...I know, I know...big deal right?
I've always been annoyed by naughty kids.
The kind that run around continually, interrupt, and proceed to whine and scream at their parents.
I always wondered what was wrong with that kid?
Why is he/she so bad?
Then it dawns on me....
There is really no bad kid, just bad parenting.
I know some of you have probably figured this out...and I think that sometimes there is that rare child that is VERY hard to control no matter how consistent the parenting, but....
Usually how a child is acting is usually the product of how he/she has been raised.
For example: Parent says, "Son, put on your coat, we're leaving."
Child: Gives mom a totally obnoxious look and continues to play.
All the while I'm trying to still listen to the parent's conversation, while really I want to shake that child and yell..."PUT ON YOUR COAT!"
Kids are my business.
I can usually make them toe the line.
I truly get distracted from a conversation b/c of how a child is acting.
Does this happen to any of you?
Is it a professional downfall?
I have friends that can ignore A. LOT. more than me...and they're not teachers.
I guess every job has it's downfall.
This is mine.
I'm a ticking time bomb.
Waiting to blow.
It's really quite scary!
Can you tell I just came from Awana Parent Watch Night?:)


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I am a teacher but can also ignore a lot...guess that's the SPED background. HOWEVER, I too notice behavior everywhere and believe in consistent parenting. My philosophy is "if I say it, I mean it" and don't make it a question if it's not a choice. If you expect a child to put his shoes on don't say "do you want to put your shoes on?" say, "I need you/want you to put your shoes on." It's not a choice. I'm also shocked at the amount of kids who don't know what the word "obey" means.
Okay--if I have more thoughts I should just write my own post!

Corin said...

I don't think it's a teacher thing. I can't ignore much either, and I do find it very distracting when kids aren't behaving.
I always figured mine came from working retail and wanting to throttle the parents that were letting their kids run around the store like monkey's on crack. I have taken it upon myself to disipline other people children in a store on more than one occasion. Usually the parents give you a very dirty look and I always want to say, "If you want to let your child act like this at home fine, but he/she is tearing things up in the store and if you aren't going to do anything about it I am."
It's really frustrating when you get the impression the kids know they run the show.
Sorry that was so long. Should have just said, I agree and it's not just you.

Bree Shaw said...

are you talking about me?

i think that since you are a teacher that you do tend to see more than others and that it is just your natural instinct to correct them anytime/anywhere. i can ignore a lot and block it out but that is b/c i am not around it all day like you. if i was around it all day then i would be more like you. i have one of those kids that i can tell numerous times, beat him until my hand hurts, take things away and so on and so forth and he just flat out doesn't care! i will find out what it is that will make him care:)

Bree Shaw said...

oops, i forgot something:)

i agree and disagree on that it goes back to bad parenting. a person can raise all of their kids the same way, but each child is their own person and is to me "wired" differently. i do think that their are lots of instances that it does go back to bad parenting though.

Shonya said...

Yeah, I don't have a lot of patience--I expect kids to obey. Period.

I do, however, have to admit I have had the thought that "God is the perfect parent--but I sure am a screw-up as His child--and that's not HIS fault."

Hmmmmmm. . .