Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Weekend

After working for 2 weeks solid...or it seemed like it, we enjoyed our weekend. Vance and Colby got up and drove our horse to Canton to be broke. I worked until noon. Emma went shopping with Grandma. After that, we headed to Kahoka and went roller skating. The first time for our kids. They were super excited.

Then realized how tricky it was going to be.
Emma was slow and careful and only fell twice.

Colby was like a ticking bomb, falling over 50 times, but he finally got the hang of it and was pretty good at the end.

Lauren, Lance, and Emily met us there too. We didn't think we were quite good enough to play dodgeball on skates, so we were the bench warmers!

Today, I taught Sunday School to 3 pretty girls:)
Witnessed 3 baptisms!
Headed to Mom's for lunch. These are new clothes that she bought!
Then we came home and Vance and the kids took a steer to the locker. The kids also played outside. Emma didn't think she had gotten muddy. At. All.
Colby and Vance tried their hand at fishing and ended up catching our supper.
I finished the laundry and vacuumed all three bedrooms. Also watched bedding and lots of dirty, muddy coats.
Gearing up for a week of visitations and funerals...keeping 2 good friends in my prayers.


Bree Shaw said...

whew!! that fish looks yummy. those boys are gonna have to catch us some so we can eat some sometime soon. who else's funeral do you have?

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

love all the pictures!

Corin said...

I would so love to watch dodgeball on roller skates. LCC is seeing a ton of baptisms lately! You guys are a one church revolution.

michelle stratton said...

Shwoo! What a fun, busy weekend for you guys!

Your post REALLY makes me want to get my older kids to the skating rink!! We keep saying it, but it's just one of those things we haven't gotten to yet! Definately putting it on my list of things to do.....again! :)