Thursday, September 18, 2008


I feel like I need to update Colby's story. He is really falling into a groove with 1st grade. He loves his teacher and she does a good job of caring about "him." She's a farm girl too, and enjoys his stories of farm life. He has started soccer and seems to be doing quite well. He really loves the challenge and how he's always "playing." Baseball is a lot of waiting. Either on the bench or in outfield.
Colby and I's relationship is rocky. Somedays he just wants to please me and we get along just fine. Somedays he is way too much boy for me. I don't get that sillyness. Constand noises, silly talk, etc. I thank God for only giving me one boy to deal with. I do love him bunches and enjoy his company.
I know some of his negative behavior has to do with the busyness of our schedules with the house and everything. Colby and his dad haven't done something "fun" in a long time. Colby is very habit forming and doesn't like things messed with. He also requires A LOT of down time. Hopefully, we can muddle through until the house is done and then sit back and enjoy life again.

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