Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I don't have time for this...

I don't have time for this...
what you ask?
well, you asked so here it goes...
I don't have time for this child that is uncontrollable because his mother took his ADHD meds instead of giving them to him. Why??? I don't understand her.
I don't have time for this child that is so tired he can't keep his head up because his mom is up half the night partying with her boyfriend and forgets to put him to bed.
I don't have time for this child that hair is so tangled and eyes are so matted that she can't function, because she got herself up and ready for school this morning. Probably because mom was hungover and still in bed.
I don't have time for this child that is so violent he is not fit to be around the rest of my class. He thinks he rules the roost and his parent has no idea what has caused him to be that way. hmmm...i have a few ideas.
I don't have time for parent excuses on why he/she did not work on their child's homework last night...anywhere from I was sick to we went grocery shopping.
Do I have a cold heart?
I don't mean that I don't have time for the child, I just don't have time for all the "stuff" that comes with the child.
I have 20 students...all with varying degrees of issues.
5 are on ADHD meds and today only 2 received those meds!
I'm about to go crazy.
I'm trying to fill out grade cards and I don't have anything nice to say.
I have no fluffy way to say...BE A PARENT! Listen to your child read, practice their fast fact cards, put them to bed on time, develop a schedule, etc.
It is so frustrating.
These children are doing what they can, with what they have to work with...but when they roll out of bed, do not receive their meds., do not brush their teeth or hair, do not sleep at the same house for 2 nights in a row so in fact have no idea where their backpack is.....GRRRR(i'm pretty sure that is a run-on sentence:)
So, please Lord let these next 2 days go by quickly and relatively quietly, because I am about at the end of my rope.
Thanks for reading my rant!


Corin said...

I hate the toll this year seems to be taking. Wish I could help.

Shonya said...

Oh Andrea, I am so sorry. :( This just wrenches my heart. If adults want to screw up their lives, ok, whatever, but don't mess it up for the children--you know how I feel about kids!!!!

I admire you for what you do, day in and day out, loving kids through the power of Christ and making a difference in one small way after another (don't forget, they add up!!). This seems to be the worst year you've had--I don't ever remember you having quite this rough of a time! Is it the age group, do you think? Or just this combination of students/circumstances? Or do you need some kind of a change? I'll be praying for you!!!

Wish I knew of some way to help!!! Do you want the five of us to come in and comb hair, wash faces, help with homework?! :) Cuz you know I have these four attachments, or I'd just come in by myself and give you a break! :)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Singing to the choir, sis, but I hear you. But what breaks my heart the most is that we do take time--we do wash face, comb hair, find backpacks, calm worries, and give compassion because we are called to do it and yet we can't save them all, can we? Can we really do this for 30 years, knowing that, without losing our "touch?" I pray so, but surely only through His power...because I know I've sure needed it this week. His power to stop me from scooping up a couple of kids, popping them in my oversized purse, and bringing them home away from crazier and crazier...
Praying for you always...

Anonymous said...

I love you, Andrea! Fuzzy pencil...fuzzy pencil...fuzzy pencil... Love, Kristina

Bree Shaw said...

i agree with these girls... i hate that this year has been so rough on you. i think you are in need of a girls night out:) maybe we can do that over the break. you are a great teacher and i commend you for what you do and put up with everyday with these kiddos. i really hate that these kids have to live like that b/c they have parents who care more about themselves than they do their child. hang in there, only 1/2 day left:) love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Believe me, that 30 years will fly by, and you'll look back and ask,"Where did it go?" Those needy kids are the ones that you'll never forget and you will ask yourself where are they now, and what are they doing. And, yes, some of them will be the parents of the kids you are dealing with that particular year. Love them even though they seem unlovable. Give them the limits they aren't given at home, and let them know what will happen when they go past the limit. I have mellowed alot, but I wish I had sooner gotten in the habit of calling them honey, sweetheart, or whatever sweet name comes to mind. I guess that's the grandma coming out. But it just seems to make them a little mellower also. And yes, sometimes you just want to kick the parents in the rear and say wake up to what you are doing to your precious child, whether it is neglect or overindulgence. One is just as bad as the other. Take a breather and recharge your battery. Again, YOU CAN DO IT!!
