Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back in the Groove

Time to get back in the blogging groove...hopefully now that school has started I'll do better!
What we've been up to!
Last weekend, we took the kids camping. We had a great time, being away from the hustle and bustle of life. We sat around the fire, played in the lake, and did a lot of fishing. Colby and Emma had a great time! Our campsite was perfect.
This week, was filled with last minute things. One night, mom, lauren, jenn, and i went shopping for lauren's college essentials! We helped her fill multiple carts with purple accessories. It was a lot of fun!
Thursday, I dropped our kids in Bible Grove for 5 days! I know they will have a great time....
Friday, I got a visit from Corin, Steve, and Levi. Levi is lots of fun with his little phrases and love for the outdoors. Reminds me so much of Colby.
This weekend, Vance and I along with the Shaws went to the Lake for a romantic getaway. Vance and I had never "celebrated" our 10 year anniversary, so we had a good excuse:) Saturday, we rented a boat for the afternoon and had good times out on the water. Bree and I did some shopping and we talked the boys into an old time photo.
So, off to work I go tomorrow. I'm ready to get back into a routine. My back to school resolutions:
1)always have a "menu" made out for the next week, so I know what to lay out the night before
2)write in my "teacher book" everyday, so I have plenty of documentation!
3)have my children's clothes layed out every night and be ready for the next day, so there isn't a morning scramble
4)enjoy Emma's first year of school!
Do you have any resolutions?


Bree Shaw said...

i don't have any resolutions yet. i am thinking your menu idea is a very good idea though. i do think laying out the clothes the night before will be good for emma! i hope she doesn't slow you down too much in the mornings.

thanks for a great weekend! so glad we got to go and enjoy some adult time! we should make it a tradition to do something like that every summer.

Corin said...

Good Luck this week. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things myself.
My resolution is to enjoy the good and ignore the bad. I feel like I spend a lot of time worrying about things beyond my control and it's just robbing me of enjoying all the wonderful blessings in my life. We had a great time Fri. I love how Levi says your name, so cute.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

we too are doing the menu thing. we're going to try and go monthly so we can do one BIG grocery shopping thing once a month (after payday).

other resolution is getting to bed BY 10 and up at 5:30 so we can be out by 6:30 to have Natalee to Laura Jean's and be at work on time. I'm tired already...

Shonya said...

1) get daily schedule done and stick to it (part one, check, part two, a work in progress. . .)

2) go through bookshelves, get rid of what I don't need, organize what I'm keeping (volunteers, anyone?! don't know why I'm dreading this so much! think I need a friend to help! and Alan to whisk the kiddos away--didn't get it done while they were at grandparents!)

3) I am in a good habit with the menus--just a list at the beginning of the week of meal ideas, set a couple meats out at a time, and that way I have something. Doing a specific food per day has never worked for me b/c I'm too moody! :D

4) ENJOY my children and each day instead of just 'getting through it'. Yeah, still working on that one, some days are better than others. . .(today is one of the 'when will 4:30 get here?! kind of days!)

Erin said...

1) Trying to do that menu thing too...or at least have a plan before 5:00 each night.

2) lay out clothes before bed.

3) be in bed before 10:30 and up by 6:00 and at school by 7:30

4) Wash dishes every night and put away before leaving for work.

5) Leave work at 3:30 at least 2 nights a week and by 5 all other nights. We're starting a workout class 3 nights a week from 4:00-4:45 so I'll have to stay those nights. But Wednesday & Friday...I'm hoping to be outta there!!

I'm sure there are many more...but I better work on these for now!

Shonya said...

Hey, what happened to that groove?! :)