Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some things that have happened since my Internet went down....
A life changing tornado tore through Novinger and Kirksville changing people's lives and leaving devastation behind. My husband worked for nearly a week on 30 hours of sleep....
My littlest sister graduated from high school and we spent many days preparing for it...
We had family in town for the graduation and lots of fun showing off our house!

Both of my children started ball.
Colby loves it and is proving to be pretty good....in my opinion. This is only his 2nd year playing and he's on the 7 and 8 year old team. He's catching on to the rules quickly, truly loves it, and is a joy to watch!
Emma loves the idea of ball and excels when she's doing well. We are working on self control, one of the fruits of the spirit! She growls and rants and raves and has proved to have much sass out on the field.Emma officially graduated from preschool. What a hard day....letting Judy go after seeing her 5 days a week for 7 years! There were tears and not just from Emma. Emma also started summer school. She loves it! The first days she did have...."some water in her eyes, for Judy." But she's doing well.
Colby finished 1st grade and loved his teacher even when school wasn't "that fun." He's missing summer school as much as possible and running to Bible Grove to stay with grandma and grandpa. This week we shipped him off late Sunday night and will run over and get him Thursday afternoon before his game. He needs this break from school.
We have also had many other things going on....some I will try to blog about. I just didn't want you to think I had fallen off the face of the World Wide Web......


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

shew, glad you're back! looking forward to more posts!

Corin said...

Emma, Sass? I can't imagine. Must be someother child your talking about. So, glad your back. I can't wait to go to Colby and Emma's games, they'll be so fun to watch. I get misty eyed just thinking about Levi starting school. I just push it to the back of my mind and tell myself I'll handle it better when it comes. Truth be told I get a little misty eyed thinking about Emma starting school. It's just not possible your kids are that old. When I said 2nd grade and Colby in the same sentence the other night I was really taken aback.

Bree Shaw said...

glad you are back! i have missed your posts and your comments! glad colby is doing well with moving up, i think you made the right choice in moving him up. and little miss emma:) wonder where she got that sass??? she looks reawy cute out there tho!

Shonya said...

So glad to have you back! I vote you post every single day now, for a week! giggle Funny how it seems nothing must be going on in your life when we aren't reading about it, and then there is so much to talk about! I bet Judy is sad to lose the Fredericks--I know my mom was always sad when kids 'graduated' from her care b/c she came to love them like her own. The kids are so cute playing ball! I can't believe how tall Destry looks in his ball uniform this year!! But then we played against the other Lanc team, and most of those boys are a year older, and Destry looked like a shrimp! :) Guess it's all relative.

Erin said...

Welcome back! The blogging world has missed you! I'm hoping we'll make it to tomorrow nights games! I'm excited to watch them both play!