Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm Back

Well, I'm back and not happy. What is it about being gone for 1 WEEK that makes people think that they can make decisions without you? Yep, it happens to me every time we leave for ND. I have taught kindergarten for 5 years and only once have I got to help split the class up. UGHHHHH!!! How rude! So...there are only enough kids for two sections of kindergarten and me being the meek and mild one:) is the one chosen to teach 1st grade instead. I should be excited about this change b/c I get to have the kids I taught this year, but the lack of communication and finding things out through the grapevine just burns me. I am very excited to teach with two, new fresh minds. Also, one of the ladies is a mommy of small children and remembers what it is like to go home to toddlers and not always be on the top of your game. I am not excited about all of the work it will take me to get organized for ONE year of a grade, but maybe it will make me a better teacher. Poor Colby, he probably thinks that his mom is going to follow him through every grade level. I have said all along that this decision is in God's hands and whatever is decided will be fine, but it sure is hard to step back and be thankful when your eyes are full of tears and your heart is breaking b/c no one thinks about the teacher giving up her dream...even if it's for one year. I know some of you think I'm being dramatic, and my husband would agree, but a kindergarten teacher is what I want to be, and I think I'm good at it. I'm sure God is sending me to first grade to nurture that one or two students a little more before sending them on and I'll try to keep that in mind. Wish me luck!


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

just try and keep that "only God knows why" mantra and realize it will all work out. the best thing about this is working with april & mandie...what a nice change to have 2 young minds to work with! remember, that even though you are a great kindergarten teacher, you are a wonderful 'anything' teacher & you'll be good at this, too. april's hoping you love them & the grade sooo much that you'll want to stay & she's so relieved that it's going to be you with them. how refreshing to have someone who wants you on her team so much!
just take a deep breath & know i love ya!

Amee Jones said...

I am so sorry that things haven't turned out the way that you had hoped. I was rooting for you. Just know that if there was one that had to switch, you would be the best to adjust, and you will not be bitter. Those kids need that. I know that you will be great. You ARE great!!! Imagine how excited those kidos will be when they go to first grade and you are there!